Visualise your data Chart it using Plotly.js. Usage: Just put the file adminer.css alongside adminer.php. Integration with DB Browser for SQLite Were the people behind DB Browser for SQLite, so naturally theyre integrated.
Adminer had some security bugs in the past so update whenever Adminer tells you there is a new version available (ask your administrator if you could not update yourself). You can also delete Adminer if not needed anymore, it is just one file which is easy to upload in the future. to require an OTP) or by customizing the login method. Still, consider making Adminer inaccessible to public by whitelisting IP addresses allowed to connect to it, password-protecting the access in your web server, enabling security plugins (e.g.
Adminer does not allow connecting to databases without a password and it rate-limits the connection attempts to protect against brute-force attacks. Security is #1 priority in development of Adminer. Free for commercial and non-commercial use ( Apache License or GPL 2).Supports PHP 5, 7 and 8 with enabled sessions.
Works with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, SimpleDB ( plugin), Firebird ( plugin), ClickHouse ( plugin) - Improve your driver.Schemas, sequences, user types (PostgreSQL).Save the database and queries in the cloud. Support both local and remote databases (by url). Binary database import, not just SQL schema. An online playground to quickly test an SQL query and share it with others. Manage events and table partitions (MySQL 5.1) What I’ve always lacked is something similar to JSFiddle, but for SQLite.Display variables with links to documentation.Display users and rights and change them.Print database schema connected by foreign keys.Export table structure, data, views, routines, databases to SQL or CSV.Execute any SQL command from a text field or a file.Supports all data types, blobs through file transfer.Insert new records, update and delete the existing ones.List data in tables with search, aggregate, sort and limit results.Create, alter, drop and call stored procedures and functions.Create, alter, drop and select from views.